Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Details determine success or failure: Lean Production (4)

4, 12 lean production principles:

Lean to today, has more than a mode of production, but a management thinking, a kind of management principles. Enterprises must be the implementation of lean production rose to a high degree of corporate strategy in order to give full play to the vitality of lean production. Because of the lean enterprise value creation through the whole process: from concept to production design process, from ordering to delivery of the information flow process, from raw materials to finished products and material conversion process life cycle support and services process, involving every department, every individual, especially the top leadership of practicing. Some domestic enterprises to implement lean production to yield good results, an important reason for this is that lean production is only a mode of production, its limited operating level in the production, other systems are not required according to the model of Lean change accordingly The results of production department takes two to tango, thankless, let the matter rest.

Eight waste elimination

Fujio long quotations: waste is "an indispensable addition to the minimum amount of production equipment, raw materials, parts and labor (hours) outside of anything." Common enterprise involving eight waste: overproduction, waiting time, transportation, inventory, process (process), action, product defects, and ignored employee creativity. The need to adopt low-waste inventory, Kanban management system exposure, and then completely eliminated. Many enterprises Toyota anyone can stop the production line approach does not understand that this will bring a lot of losses and waste, in fact, Toyota is doing precisely the problem exposure, we urge a speedy solution. As a result, the production line at any time stop the power of the Toyota line, the production is almost non-stop line, which stops the production line, company line right often because of lack of material, equipment failures or quality issues, stop line.

Concerned about the process, improve the overall efficiency

Management guru Deming said: "Staff will only be held responsible for 15%, while 85% blame the system processes." What kind of process to produce what kind of performance. A problem many companies, they blame the staff did not do a good job. Over time, employees had to leave unconvinced. But then another wave of another wave of personnel changes, the problem still out. Management personnel as firefighters put out the fire, like everywhere, piecemeal. Fire does not mean improvement, the key is whether the improvement process itself. Also note that process improvement goal is to improve the overall effectiveness, rather than local departments to improve the effectiveness of the overall benefits to businesses at the expense of local departments if the expense of efficiency.

Continuous process to establish a fast response

The establishment of continuous process, the process does not value time as much as possible invalid compressed to reduce the process time, rapid response to customer needs. In this regard, the gap between domestic enterprises and Toyota are very large. Toyota's inventory turnaround time was 4.2 days, the Chinese home appliance industry in China should be doing marketing and business management one of the best in the industry, the average inventory turnover time of 3.5 months, while the real time for the production of only the total time 5%.

Reduce inventory

Excess inventory is like a pool of muddy, unfathomable stagnant water, a variety of issues were covered under the water, such as order processing delays, poor quality, equipment failure, supplier delays, slow decision making, etc., not people know what is below. In Lean Thinking, the inventory into a fast flowing stream, shallow, crystal clear, there are small fish, shrimp, or a block of stone, clear, no issue would be hidden, conducive to resolve the problem to reduce the amount of funds used to avoid unnecessary loss of stock. Toyota's investment return rate by the number of times his opponent, one of the important reasons is that its up to 87 times the inventory turns.

Reduce inventory is only one of lean production methods, the purpose is to solve problems and reduce costs, and low inventories need to be efficient processes, stable and reliable quality assurance. Some enterprises in the implementation of lean production, lean production is zero inventory that does not first go reform process, improve quality, reduce inventory on insisting on the following results were predictable, the cost has not decreased but increased rapidly, so must the conclusion that lean production is not suitable for my business, my business. This misunderstanding is the need to avoid.

The whole process of high-quality, first do the

Quality is manufactured, not tested out, testing is only a remedial tool. This is a common sense, but some businesses have often insufficient knowledge. Many manufacturers have a special workshop for all the products tested to ensure quality, however, is not only costly but can not guarantee that mistakes do not occur. Therefore, the quality should be built into the design, process and manufacturing them to establish a quality assurance system will not go wrong, once done right. Lean production requirements to achieve lower inventories, continuous process, imagine what link in the chain if, subsequent to full stop, so the whole process of lean manufacturing must be based on quality, otherwise, can only be a lean production empty talk.

Pull production based on customer requirements

JIT (Just In Time) are intended to be: when needed, only the amount needed by the production, production and sales are synchronized. That is, the speed of the sale of production, so the logistics can keep the balance of any prematurely or too late will result in loss of production. Toyota to use the past "Kanban" system to pull, now supported by ERP or MRP information system is easier to pull the material to reach outside the enterprise.鎴村皵鍏徃灏辨槸杩欐柟闈㈢殑鏉板嚭浠h〃锛屽綋浣犻?杩囩綉涓婃垨鐢佃瘽涓嬩簡鐢佃剳鐨勫畾鍗曚互鍚庯紝鎴村皵鐨勭敓浜ф祦绋嬪氨琚媺鍔ㄨ捣鏉ワ紝浠讳綍琚渶瑕佺殑閰嶇疆閮藉彲鍦ㄤ竴鍛ㄥ唴鐢熶骇鍑烘潵骞朵氦浠樹笌浣犮?




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銆??闅忕潃浼佷笟鐨勭粍缁囪妯¤秺鏉ヨ秺搴炲ぇ锛岀鐞嗗彉寰楄秺鏉ヨ秺澶嶆潅锛屽ぇ閮ㄥ垎宸ヤ綔閮介渶瑕佷緷闈犲洟闃熷悎浣滄潵瀹屾垚銆傚湪绮剧泭浼佷笟涓紝鐏垫椿鐨勫洟闃熷伐浣滃凡缁忓彉鎴愪簡涓?鏈?父瑙佺殑缁勭粐褰㈠紡锛屾湁鏃跺?鍚屼竴涓汉鍚屾椂鍒嗗睘浜庝笉鍚岀殑鍥㈤槦锛岃礋璐e畬鎴愪笉鍚岀殑浠诲姟銆傛渶鍏稿瀷鐨勫洟闃熷伐浣滆帿杩囦簬涓扮敯鐨勬柊浜у搧鍙戝睍璁″垝锛岃璁″垝鐢变竴涓簽澶х殑鍥㈤槦璐熻矗鎺ㄥ姩锛屽洟闃熸垚鍛樻潵鑷悇涓笉鍚岀殑閮ㄩ棬锛屾湁钀ラ攢銆佽璁°?宸ョ▼銆佸埗閫犮?閲囪喘绛夛紝浠栦滑鍦ㄥ悓涓?釜鍥㈤槦涓崗鍚屼綔鎴橈紝澶уぇ缂╃煭浜嗘柊浜у搧鎺ㄥ嚭鐨勬椂闂达紝鑰屼笖璐ㄩ噺鏇撮珮銆佹垚鏈洿浣庯紝鍥犱负浠庝竴寮?寰堝闂灏卞緱鍒颁簡鍏呭垎鐨勮?铏戯紝鍦ㄩ棶棰樺甫鏉ラ夯鐑︿箣鍓嶅氨宸茬粡琚笓涓氫汉鍛樻墍瑙e喅銆?br />

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銆??鈥滆嚜鎴戝弽鐪佲?鍜屸?鐜板湴鐜扮墿鈥?br />
銆??鍦ㄤ赴鐢帮紝骞冲潎姣忓勾姣忎汉鎻愪氦10涓互涓婄殑鏀瑰杽鎻愭锛岃?涓旇秴杩?9%鐨勬彁妗堝緱鍒颁簡瀹炴柦銆傜簿鐩婄敓浜ф湰韬氨浠h〃浜嗙簿鐩婃眰绮俱?鎸佺画鏀瑰杽鐨勫唴娑点?绮剧泭鏂囧寲閲岄潰鏈変袱涓獊鍑虹殑鐗圭偣锛氣?鑷垜鍙嶇渷鈥濆拰鈥滅幇鍦扮幇鐗┾?銆傗?鑷垜鍙嶇渷鈥濈殑鐩殑鏄鎵惧嚭鑷繁鐨勯敊璇紝涓嶆柇鍦拌嚜鎴戞敼杩涖?涓扮敯璁や负鈥滈棶棰樺嵆鏄満浼氣? 锛氬綋鍙戠敓閿欒鏃讹紝骞朵笉璐g綒涓汉锛岃?鏄噰鍙栨敼姝h鍔紝骞跺湪浼佷笟鍐呭箍娉涗紶鎾粠姣忎釜浣撻獙涓鍒扮殑鐭ヨ瘑銆傝繖涓庡緢澶氬浗鍐呬紒涓氬姩涓嶅姩灏辩綒娆剧殑鍋氭硶鏄畬鍏ㄤ笉鍚岀殑锛氱粷澶ч儴鍒嗛棶棰樻槸鐢变簬鍒跺害娴佺▼鏈韩閫犳垚鐨勶紝鎯╃綒涓汉鍙細浣垮ぇ瀹跺崈鏂圭櫨璁℃帺鐩栭棶棰橈紝瀵逛簬闂鐨勮В鍐虫病鏈変换浣曞府鍔┿?


銆??绮剧泭鐢熶骇璇磋捣鏉ュ鏄擄紝鍋氳捣鏉ラ毦銆傜簿鐩婁箣琛岃繕闇?鍦ㄤ互涓婅繖浜涚簿鐩婃?鎯炽?鍘熷垯鍜屽噯鍒欑殑鎸囧涓嬪涔犲拰瀹炶返涓?簺鏈夌敤鐨勫伐鍏峰拰鏂规硶锛屾瘮濡傚伐涓氬伐绋?IE)銆佷环鍊兼祦鍥惧垎鏋愩?鏌旀?鐢熶骇绾垮缓绔嬨?缂╃煭浣滀笟杞崲鏃堕棿銆佹媺鍔ㄥ紡杩炵画鈥滀竴涓祦鈥濈敓浜с?5S銆丵C涓冨伐鍏枫?缁熻璐ㄩ噺鎺у埗銆侀槻宸敊鎶?湳銆乀PM绛夌瓑銆傚涔犱互鍙婂熀浜庡鏈浗鍜屾湰浼佷笟鐗圭偣璁ょ煡鍩虹涓婄殑瀹炶返鏄竴涓极闀跨殑杩囩▼锛屾垜浠繀椤绘湁鑰愬績銆?br />


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